Author: Frank J. Kleinhampl and Joseph I. Ziony
Year: 1985
Series: Bulletin 99A
Format: 172 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 21 b/w drawings, 15 b/w photos, 12 tables, 2 plates: plate A1A, 1:250,000, geologic map, 34 x 47 inches, full color; plate A1B, explanation, 31 x 39 inches, full color
Scale: 1:250,000
The geography, geomorphology, glacial geology, stratigraphy, and structural geology; references. Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey. Mineral resources of this region are discussed in Bulletin 99B; the southern portion of Nye County is discussed in Bulletin 77. Geologic map available in digital format in Open-File Report 97-1.