Author: Ralph J. Roberts, Kathleen M. Montgomery, and Robert E. Lehner
Year: 1967
Series: Bulletin 64
Format: 164 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 27 b/w drawings, 2 b/w photos, 14 tables (including one in pocket), 12 plates (listed below)
Scale: 1:250,000
The geography, various rock types, structure, geology of mountain ranges, mineral resources, suggestions for mining, and history of mining; descriptions of mining districts, nonmetallic minerals, and fossil data; references and index.
Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Additional information is in Open-File Report 83-3, Open-File Report 83-4, Open-File Report 83-9, and Open-File Report 83-10. Geologic map available in digital format in Open-File Report 97-1.
plate 1, 1:250,000, mineral resource map, 38 x 23 inches, 4 color;
plate 2, stratigraphic columns, east-central Nevada, 10 x 16 inches, b/w;
plate 3, 1:250,000, geologic map, 38 x 23 inches, full color; plate 4, 1 inch = 200 feet, geologic map, Buckhorn district, 13 x 14, b/w;
plate 5, 1 inch = 0.2 mile, geologic map, northern Eureka district, 13 x 7, 2 color;
plate 6, 1 inch = 100 feet, underground geologic maps, Diamond Mine, 15 x 19 inches, b/w;
plate 7, 1 inch = 200 feet, geologic map, Lynn district, 14 x 13, b/w;
plate 8, 1 inch = 200 feet, geologic map, Mineral Hill district, 12 x 10, b/w;
plate 9, 1 inch = 200 feet, geologic and magnetic map, Modarelli Mine, 13 x 17 inches, 2 color;
plate 10, 1 inch = 246 feet, isometric diagram, Modarelli Mine, 11 x 14 inches, 2 color;
plate 11, 1 inch = 200 feet, geologic and workings map, Mount Hope Mine, 8 x 13 inches, b/w;
plate 12, 1 inch = 300 feet, geologic map, Union district, 16 x 15 inches b/w