Author: John H. Stewart, Edwin H. McKee, and Harold K. Stager
Year: 1977
Series No.: Bulletin 88
Format: 114 pages, 11 x 8.5 inches, 23 b/w drawings, 35 tables, 3 plates: plate 1, 1:250,000, geologic map, 38 x 53 inches, full color; plate 2, 1 inch = 16 miles, correlation diagram, 24 x 24 inches, b/w; plate 3, 1:250,000, mineral resources, 38 x 24 inches, 4 color
Scale: 1:250,000
The stratigraphy, structure, geology of the mountain ranges in the county, mineral resources, and mining districts and areas; references and index. Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey. Additional information on mining districts can be found in Open-File Report 83-3, Open-File Report 83-4, Open-File Report 83-9, and Open-File Report 83-10. Geologic map available in digital format in