Author: Ronald Willden
Year: 1964
Series No.: Bulletin 59
Format: 164 pages, 9 x 6 inches, 7 b/w drawings, 10 b/w photos, 29 tables (13 in pocket),1 appendix, 3 plates: plate 1, 1:250,000, geologic map, 34 x 50 inches, full color; plate 2, correlation diagram, 10 x 21 inches, b/w; plate 3, 1:250,000, mineral resource map, 30 x 34 inches, 4 color
Scale: 1:250,000
The geography, geology, structure, and ore deposits of Humboldt County, detailed descriptions by mountain range; references and index. Prepared cooperatively by the U.S. Geological Survey. Additional information on the iron ore deposits of Humboldt County is in Bulletin 53C; mineral deposit information updated in Open-File Report 85-3. Geologic map available in digital format in Open-File 97-1.